Available Equipment (ELI-ERIC)


Scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM)


The scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) is suitable for mapping the optical near field of illuminated samples in different excitation geometries (reflection and transmission).

Contact person

Judit Budai


Brief description of the available set up


The scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) is suitable for mapping the optical near-field of illuminated samples in different excitation geometries, namely in reflection and transmission. The reflection mode allows one to determine the local differences in the optical properties, while transmission mode enables the investigation of plasmonic near fields of metallic nanostructures. The microscope is also available for characterising surface topography with tapping mode AFM.


Description of key areas of science


The scanning scattering near-field microscope (VIS-neaSCOPE+s system) allows the investigation of local interactions between light and solid surfaces. The device is suitable for mapping the optical near field of the samples in different excitation geometries (reflection and transmission) with a resolution in the order of nanometers with different excitation sources. The device enables studying local changes in optical porperties, exciton-polariton propagation and surface plasmon polaritons.


Full description of system

Measurement principle of SNOM device:


1550 nm

633 nm

533 nm

Corresponding CW-power

20 mW

10 mW

10 mW

Measurement configuration

Reflection and transmission

Lateral scanning range

min. 90x90µm

Vertical scanning range

min. 2µm

Sample size

min. 9x9x1mm

Available sample delivery systems and target systems


Samples larger than 9 mm x 9 mm x 1 mm can be handled.


Available detection and observation systems


Interferometric detection of near-field is ensured with full (complete) background suppression using Pseudo Heterodyne method with Michelson and Mach-Zender type arrangements.



