Supporting Laboratories

Supporting Laboratories

Radiobiology Laboratory


Cell culture laboratory: For normal and tumor cell lines, co-cultures and spheroid maintenance:

The sterile conditions required to maintain the different cell cultures are provided by the ESCO Laminar Flow Cabinet with HEPA Filter, ISO Class 3 work zone.

Zeiss Observer Z1 Inverted Fluoerescent microscope is suitable to examine the state of the development of cells, the motorized stage allows the 96 well plate (well by well) detection and recording with Zeiss AxiocamMRm. R3.0. Monochrome camera. Objective Lenses: EC Plan-Neofluar. 2.5x / 0.075, EC Plan-Neofluar. 10x / 0.3, LD Plan-Apochromat. 20x / 0.75, EC Plan-Neofluar. 20x / 0.4, LD Plan-Apochromat. 40x / 0.6. The microscope is controlled by the Zen 3.2 pro software with Tiles and Image Analysis modules.

Refrigerators and feezers serve to keep chemicals and cell culture mediums at appropriate temperature. NuAire –86°C Ultralow freezer with integrated microprocessor- based system and LED display, offers the core standard features and reliable performance for the storage of cancer cells, stem cells.  

Eppendorf 5424R microcentrifuge is applicable for all molecular biology applications and PCR tubes. Microcentrifuge features a 24-place capacity and speed up to 21,130 x g. Patented compressor technology reduces vibrations and protects your samples.  

Eppendorf Centrifuge 5920R features extraordinarily high capacity and performance. Its capacity of up to 4 x 1,000 mL / 52 x 50 mL conical tubes makes it the ideal instrument for high-throughput applications.

Binder Thermostat guarantee perfect results when drying, heating, and sterilizing samples. Temperature range: +5 °C above ambient temperature to +100 °C.

CO2 Incubator which provides the cell culture conditions 5% CO and air recommended 37°C temperature.

Zebrafish laboratory:
  • ZebTec Multilink Housing System for zebrafish maintenance and breeding.
  • Viewpoint Zebrabox allows the automated observation and tracking of larval zebrafish, and zebrafish embryos. It is capable of analyzing zebrafish larvae in multi-well plates, up to 96 individuals simultaneously.



Pico Injector (Harvard Apparatus Model PLI-100A): The microinjector allows small liquid volumes to be delivered precisely through micropipettes by applying a regulated pressure for a digitally set period of time. The microinjected liquid volume line is in the 10-100 pLiter range. (For convenient visualization and approximate geometric measurement, 1 fLiter is a cube 1 micron on a side or a sphere 1.24 microns in diameter, 1 pLiter is a cube 10 microns on a side or a sphere 12.4 microns in diameter, while 1 nLiter is a cube 100 microns on a side or a sphere 124 microns in diameter.  Volume goes as the cube of linear dimensions).

The pressure is applied pneumatically (compressed gas) to deliver volumes from microliters to femtoliters from the same instrument.


  • Irradiator: self-contained cell and small animal x-ray irradiator, with 30 - 300kV voltage and max. 30mA current x-ray tube. 
  • Dosimetry instruments including UNIDOS Webline high-precision, secondary standard reference class dosemeter with measuring range from 200fA up to 2.5µA with 1fA resolution or from 2pC up to 9C with 10fC resolution, having a long-term stability less than 0.5% and nonlinearity less than 0.5%, Waterproof Farmer type ionization chamber with 0.6cm3 sensitive volume useful for measuring absorbed dose to water, air kerma or exposure for 30kV – 50MV photons, 10 – 45MeV electrons and 50 – 270MeV protons; micro diamond detector with 0.004mm3 sensitive volume, measuring absorbed dose to water for 100keV – 25MeV photons, 6 – 25MeV electrons and 70 – 230MeV protons, and soft x-ray ionization chamber measuring absorbed dose to water for 8 – 35kV X-rays, phantoms (PTW plastic water and acrylic slab phantoms) and film dosimetry scanner (high resolution EPSON Expression 10000XL with transmission unit).



Sample preparing system: 

  • automatic tissue processor: It is used for the fixation, dehydration and infiltration of histological tissue samples with fixatives, alcohol, solvents and paraffin wax (12 reagent stations). 
  • paraffin embedding station with cold plate: Paraffin tank with a capacity of 4 litres. Spacious, easy-to-clean, heated work area, with integrated cold spot, also for extra large cassettes ("Super Cassettes") with paraffin drain system. Temperature range of cassette and embedding mold tray, work area and paraffin tank  adjustable from 50 °C (122 °F) to 75 °C (167 °F).
  • heatable forceps: Operating temperature range: +18 °C to +40 °C
  • automated slide stainer: It allows simultaneous processing of up to 11 specimen slide holders, each with 30 slides. Optimized wash stations provide for rapid removal of reagent residue. The slide holders ensures minimal reagent displacement and prevents the reagents from being contaminated by liquid dripping into them and needing to be replaced prematurely.
  • semi-motorized rotary microtome: Conventional, full-hand-wheel rotation, manual sectioning or "rocking mode", where the hand-wheel is turned back and forth over a short distance. 
  • water bath: It is a paraffin flotation bath for flattening and drying cut tissue samples Operating temperature range: +15 °C to +40 °C.

This high throughput system enable to prepare different cells, tissues for microscopic studies, including Haemotoxylin and Eosin (H-E) and immunohistochemical stainings. 


  •  Zeiss Axio Observer Z1 inverted fluorescence microscope
  •  Zeiss Stemi 508 apochromatic stereo microscope


  • Multimode Plate Reader (Perkin Elmer EnSight): The multimode plate reader combines labeled and image-based cytometry technologies in a single benchtop platform. Imaging and online data analysis is fast: a 384-well plate can be imaged in less than 5 mins. The system’s modular design, combined with workflow-based data acquisition and analysis software, ensures a versatile and efficient plate reader operation for users.

Key technologies: Fluorescence well-imaging with single-cell resolution for up to four colors, brightfield and digital phase-contrast imaging; Corning® Epic® optical technology; AlphaLISA®/AlphaScreen® detection with high power laser excitation; Fluorescence intensity detection (top- and bottom-reading) with monochromator; Time-resolved fluorescence detection, for example DELFIA® and LANCE® technologies; Ultra-sensitive luminescence for low signals; Filter- and optional monochromator-based absorbance detection.

  • Lambda35 (Perkin Elmer) double-beam UV/VIS spectrophotometer, with variable bandwidth (190-1100 nm) for measurements in absorbance range up to 3.2A., with nanodrop adapter. 
  • RT-PCR machine (Roche Lightcycler 480) and PCR machine.



