Available Equipment (ELI-ERIC)

Available Equipment (ELI-ERIC)

Nanofabrication laboratory

The Nanofabrication laboratory operates a RAITH e-LINE Plus electron microscope and electron lithography system (EBL) and a Scios 2 HiVac electron microscope and focused ion-beam device (FIB). The two devices are accessible for electron microscopy investigations and for the fabrication of nanostructured samples.

Contact person

Judit Budai


Brief description of the available set up


The Nanofabrication and Scanning Electron Microscope laboratory operates a RAITH e-LINE Plus electron microscope and electron lithography system (EBL) and a Scios 2 HiVac electron microscope and focused ion-beam device (FIB). The two devices are accessible for electron microscopy investigations and for the fabrication of nanostructured samples.

Description of key areas of science


The nanolithography capabilities of the EBL system allows the writing of high-resolution nanostructures, like metallic nanostructure arrays for plasmonic applications. For the nanolithography, the whole technological chain is available with a plasma cleaner, spin coater, fume-hood, hotplate, ultrasonic bath and metallization.

The FIB system is accessible for the direct writing of nanopatterns, milling of thin film cross-sections, and preparation of transmission electron microscope lamella.

Full description of system

Figure 1: The a) EBL and b) the FIB systems, example c) nanostructures fabricated with the EBL device and d) grating coupler milled into gold waveguides by using the FIB system


Specifications for the EBL system:


Schottky type thermal field emission (TFE) electron source energy selectable between 100 eV – 30 keV

  • Spotsize smaller than 2 nm @ 20kV.


  • Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector

  • In-lens secondary and backscattered electron detectors rotation and tilt module for samples of 10 x 10 mm

  • X-ray spectrometer and energy dispersive microanalysis system

20 MHz pattern generator and fast electrostatic beam blanker

  • minimum grating periodicity ≤ 40 nm

  • minimum feature size ≤ 8 nm 1

  • 100 x 100 mm travel range laser interferometer-controlled stage

Specifications for the FIB system:


Schottky type thermal field emission (TFE) electron source

  • energy selectable between 200 eV – 30 keV

Ga ion source  

  • energy selectable between 500V and 30 kV   

  • beam current from 1.5 pA to 65 nA.

Pt gas-injection system



  • Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector

  • in-lens secondary and backscattered electron detectors

  • scanning TEM detector

Sample holder rotatable between -15° and 90° and tilted by 0 to 360°

Available sample delivery systems and target systems


Flat solid samples larger than 5mm x 5 mm can be handled for imaging.

Available detection and observation systems

Detectors for the EBL system:

  • Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector

  • In-lens secondary and backscattered electron detectors rotation and tilt module for samples of 10 x 10 mm

  • X-ray spectrometer and energy dispersive microanalysis system

Detectors for the FIB system:

  • Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector

  • In-lens secondary and backscattered electron detectors

  • Scanning TEM detector


[1] V. Hanus, V. Csajbók, Z. Pápa, J. Budai, Z. Márton, G. Z. Kiss, P. Sándor, P. Paul, A. Szeghalmi, Z. Wang, B. Bergues, M. F Kling, G. Molnár, J. Volk, P. Dombi, Light-field-driven current control in solids with pJ-level laser pulses at 80 MHz repetition rate, Optica, 8 (4), 570-576

 [2] Z. Pápa, P. Sándor, B. Lovász, J. Budai, J. Kasza, Z. Márton, P. Jójárt, I. Seres, Z. Bengery, C. Németh, P. Dombi, P. Rácz, Control of plasmonic field enhancement by mode-mixing, Applied Physics Letters, 120 (5) 053103

[3] Z. Pápa, J. Kasza, J. Budai, Z. Márton, G. Molnár, P. Dombi, Tuning plasmonic field enhancement and transients by far-field coupling between nanostructures, Applied Physics Letters 117 (8) 081105

 [4] S Maragkaki, GD Tsibidis, L Haizer, Z Pápa, R Flender, B Kiss, Z Márton, E Stratakis, Tailoring surface topographies on solids with Mid-IR femtosecond laser pulses, Applied Surface Science, 612, 155879


