Science & Technology

Science & Technology

Engineering Division

Head of Division:  Gábor Marosi


Deputy Head of Division:  András Makai

  •      Providing engineering support for the implementation and operation of the research technologies in the laboratories
  • Providing engineering support for the user experiments in the laboratories
  • Specification, procurement, implementation and operation of engineering systems which serve and enable the research technologies and user experiments in the laboratories
  • Adaptation, definition and application of engineering standards to ensure high quality and unified solutions
  • Connection and integration of research equipment, experiments and the engineering systems to the building and IT infrastructure within the laboratories 


Services offered for internal/external researchers, users
  • Systems engineering services 
    • Assessing needs & concepts: Assessment of research/experimental needs and development of basic concepts including the translation between the different scientific/engineering disciplines
    • Coordination of engineering support in the laboratories: Supervision & coordination of all engineering & workshop support activities in the laboratories
    • Vibration Monitoring: Operation and maintenance of the facility-wide vibration monitoring system
  • Software engineering services
    • Archiving: Archiving sensor values from laboratories:  particle counts, air temperature and humidity, pre-vacuum and vacuum pressure, cooling water pressure and temperature, chemical storage temperature, parameters collected from research equipment (laser, secondary source)
    • Monitoring service: Access to archived values (file server, web application, infopanel)
    • Notification service: Email and/or SMS notifications when archived values violate predefined conditions
    • Electronic logbook: Logbook web application for tracking what’s happening in the labs / during experiments
    • Control, DAQ & storage: Control & DAQ solutions for optomechanics, detectors, cameras & experiments, including experimental data storage, data analysis (Jupyter notebooks) etc.
  • Electrical engineering services
    • Personnel Safety System: operation and maintenance of the facility-wide PSS, integration of the scientific equipment PSS
    • Control, DAQ and timing systems: Control, DAQ and timing solutions for vacuum, optomechanics and diagnostics integration
    • Design services: custom PCB designs, Control system & DAQ hardware design, Power Distribution System Design
  • Electrical workshop services
    • Rapid Prototyping, assembly: Custom electronics and control, custom PCB, FPGA, signal processing & data acquisition. Optical core welding
    • Electrical connections: Cabling and hard-wiring according to the blueprints including the touch protection certificates, adequate labelling, control cabinets, automation, installation of safety measures
    • Custom electronics: PCB prototyping and testing, including electrical planning and related programming (Micro controllers, LabView)
    • Repair & QA/QC: Certified repair & replacement, Quality Assurance / Quality Control of components, etc.
  • Mechanical engineering services
    • Mechanical design & documentation: Mechanical design of various components & systems: conceptual design, 3D model and manufacturing drawings for beamlines, experiments and components (supports, adapters, cover boxes, etc.)
    • Facility 3D models: Facility level integrated 3D model, layout and rendering 2D images for presentation, documentation & integration purposes
    • High precision positioning and measurement: Arrangement of large components with high precision, across labs using laser tracker and building-wide reference markers
  • Mechanical workshop services
    • Rapid Prototyping: Rapidly manufacturing single-piece & custom components, including 3D printing of (structural) plastic objects from mechanical designs and in simple cases also from sketch
    • Complex manufacturing: Large-area milling, complex features grinding made of aluminium, steels and alloys, including HV compatible welding. Hard coatings on structures. Rotational and non-symmetric possible. Production and assembly of complex and special tailor-made units (for example beam dumps) including also the coordination of subcontracting performance.
    • Cutting, milling, cleaning: Minor component modifications. Ultrasonic (vacuum compatible) cleaning including all related troubleshooting
  • Vacuum technology and on-site services
    • Vacuum and other lab equipment: Transportation and logistics of components, deliveries within the labs. Supporting equipment assembly, installation and troubleshooting
    • Connection of auxiliaries: Installation of the cooling water & pre-vacuum services within the labs. Providing the required special gases, liquids and materials for the research activities, including tubes, fittings, reducers and connections
    • Vacuum technology (including QA/QC): Design, simulations, procurement and documentation of vacuum systems & components including QA of vacuum components and systems, leak detection to RGA, as well as temporary pre-vacuum systems
    • Cleanroom: Cleanroom supply, service and consumables (garments, gloves, etc.) on request
  • Optical workshop services
    • Optics: Custom substrate manufacturing. Glass, fused silica, monocrystal silicone and germanium, CaF2, ZERODUR® and metals. Raw material processing to surface finish. (up to a diameter of 200 mm)
    • Thin film coatings: Custom multilayer coatings on demand. Design, characterization and reverse engineering in-house; (simulations)
    • Metrology: Comprehensive optics metrology for R% and T%, GDD, flatness, surface defects and cleanliness, focal length, wedge angle, ellipsometry etc.



L. Schrettner, B. Bagó, B. Erdohelyi, L.J. Fülöp, F. Horváth, Sz. Horváth, Z. Héjja, V. Kurusa and G. Kávai: Control System Development and Integration at ELI-ALPS, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2019), New York, US, Oct 2019


F. Horváth, L.J. Fülöp, Sz. Horváth, Z. Héjja, T. Kecskés, I. Kiss, V. Kurusa, G. Kávai and K. Untener: The Personnel Safety System of ELI-ALPS, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2019), New York, US, Oct 2019


L.J. Fülöp, F. Horváth, I. Kiss, A. Makai and L. Schrettner: Engineering Support Activities at ELI-ALPS Through a Systems Engineering Perspective, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2019), New York, US, Oct 2019


L. Schrettner, B. Bagó, B. Erdőhelyi, T. Gaizer, A. Heidrich and G. Nyíri: Configuration Management for The Integrated Control System Software of ELI-ALPS, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2017), Barcelona, Spain, Oct 2017


L. J. Fülöp, I. Kiss, T. Kecskés, Á. Mohácsi, L. Schrettner, F. Horváth, G. Mészáros, T. Gaizer and J. Montano: A model and its application to the ELI-ALPS' research technology systems, IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE), Vienna, Austria, Oct 2017


P. Ács, S. Brockhauser, L. J. Fülöp, V. Hanyecz, M. Kiss, Cs. Koncz and L. Schrettner: Tango-Kepler Integration at ELI-ALPS, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2015), Melbourne, Australia, Oct 2015


L. J. Fülöp, S. Brockhauser, S. Farkas, V. Hanyecz, M. Kiss, T. Koncz, Á. Mohácsi, K. Nelissen, L. Schrettner, B. Szalai, P. Szász and C. Turner: ELI-ALPS Control System Status Report, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2015), Melbourne, Australia, Oct 2015


A. Götz, J-M Chaize, E. Taurel, P. Verdier, J-L Pons, T. Coutinho, F. Poncet, R. Bourtemburg, G. Abeille, Gif-sur-Yvette, S. Brockhauser, L. J. Fulop, A. Vázquez-Otero, M. O. Cernaianu, C. Knapic, R. Smareglia, I. Khokhriakov: The TANGO Controls Collaboration in 2015, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2015), Melbourne, Australia, Oct 2015


S. Brockhauser, L. J. Fülöp, V. Hanyecz, I. Kiss and P. Szász: Control Systems and Integrated Engineering At ELI-ALPS, NOBUGS2014, New Opportunities for Better User Group Software Conference, 2014, J-PARC at KEK, Japan, Sep 2014


 Engineering & Workshop Services – Units


Optical workshops Árpád Mohácsi
Vacuum technology, assembly, cleanrooms Árpád Mohácsi
Mechanical workshop Zoltán Vajna
Mechanical engineering Zsolt Andrikó
Electrical workshop Viktor Várkonyi
Electrical engineering Ferenc Horváth
Software engineering Lajos Schrettner
Systems engineering András Makai




