

News - 2022

8 May 2022

International Day of Light - Programmes at ELI ALPS

On 13 May our research institute opens the doors to the general public on the occasion of the Day of Light. Between 3 pm and 7 pm, we will organize programmes in conjunction with the Institute of Physics of the University of Szeged.

19 April 2022

Art in Science - Invitation for entries

ELI ALPS is organizing a contest titled “Art in Science” to encourage the production of artworks based on images reflecting the research results achieved in the institute – by combining science and art – using colouring and graphic design.

22 March 2022

Towards Joint Operations: Achievement of Operating Agreements and Approval of Procurement Policy

Joint operations are ramping up with the Operating Agreements between ELI ERIC and the ELI ERIC Facilities (ELI ALPS and ELI Beamlines) going into effect and plans for the first ELI ERIC User Call moving forward. Additionally, the ELI ERIC Procurement Policy and Procurement Rules were approved.

8 February 2022

Ferenc Krausz has won the 2022 Wolf Prize in Physics

The Hungarian-born physicist Ferenc Krausz, now living in Germany, has won the 2022 Wolf Prize in Physics for his ground-breaking research in the field of ultrashort pulse lasers and attophysics.

7 February 2022

ELI ERIC is hiring a Director of Science

The ELI ERIC is offering an exceptional opportunity for a world-leading, innovative and recognised scientist to take up the role of Director of Science (DoS).

9 February 2022

Chair of ESFRI visits ELI ALPS

Dr. Jana Kolar, Chair of the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) and Prof. Andrew Harrison, Director of Diamond Light Source paid a visit to ELI ALPS on 8 February 2022.

28 January 2022

One step closer to solve an issue of nuclear energy

An agreement of professional cooperation was concluded amongst the University of Szeged, École Polytechnique from Paris and California-based Tri Alpha Energy (TAE) Corporation. The aim of the international project is to develop a laser technology that facilitates the waste management of nuclear plants. Researchers reached a milestone at ELI ALPS.

18 January 2022

ELI facilities join forces for a new electron acceleration experiment

In the framework of IMPULSE WP3 (Ramping–up Towards Excellent Steady-State Operations), the ELI Beamlines team in Dolní Břežany was joined by colleagues from ELI ALPS initiating a long-term research collaboration.

11 January 2022

Inauguration of the first facility of Science Park Szeged – the event was hosted by ELI ALPS

The Incubator House of the University of Szeged, the first facility of the Science Park located next to ELI ALPS, was officially opened on 11 January 2022.

7 January 2022

ELI ALPS’ engineer Gábor Krizsán wins EDGE Challenge Cup Award

The EDGE Challenge Cup Awards are handed out each year at the EPLM Trends Conference, organized on the theme of digital industrial manufacturing. This year the event focused on the needs of the unique fields of industry.

News - 2021

22 December 2021

ELI ALPS wins Excellent Research Infrastructure Award

On 16 December 2021, Excellent Research Infrastructure Awards were bestowed on Hungary’s TOP 50 research facilities with exceptional scientific achievements, including ELI ALPS.

7 December 2021

ELI ALPS’ physicist Dr. Zsuzsanna Pápa wins Junior Prima Award

This year is the 15th time the Junior Prima Awards have been handed out in the “Hungarian Science” category. The award is granted to young scientists under the age of 33 who significantly contribute to the development of Hungarian science with their outstanding scientific work and international results.

1 December 2021

User Call 2021 is now open

We are happy to announce the opening of the ELI ALPS User Call 2021.

13 November 2021

We have opened the Focus - Interactive Visitor Space

We have ceremoniously opened the Focus – Interactive Visitor Space on the 13th of November!

10 November 2021

“Superlaser for the Balkans” roundtable discussion

The “Superlaser for the Balkans” roundtable discussion related to the 8th ELI ALPS User Workshop was held on November 10, 2021, with financial support from the U.S. Embassy.

4 October 2021

ELI ALPS Scientific Open Day - 7 October 2021

On 7th October ELI ALPS opens its gates for the students and employees of research institutes and universities. More details and registration in the article.

8 November 2021

8th ELI ALPS User Workshop

The Extreme Light Infrastructure – Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI ALPS) is organizing its eighth Users Workshop on 8 and 9 November 2021, in Szeged, Hungary. The event will be held in the building of ELI ALPS in Szeged.

20 January 2021

IMPULSE Project launched!

IMPULSE, an ambitious project financed under Horizon 2020 to support organisational development, sustainability and excellent science at ELI, was kicked off on 16 December 2020 with participation of representatives of 15 Consortium partners from 10 European countries.

News - 2020

27 November 2020

ELI–ALPS Commissioning User Call 2020

We are happy to announce the opening of the ELI–ALPS Commissioning User Call 2020.

15 September 2020

Hungarian-Czech meeting concerning the ELI-ERIC

State Secretary for Higher Education, Innovation and Vocational Training József Bódis and the Czech Republic’s Deputy Minister for the European Union and European Structural and Investment Funds Václav Velčovský held a meeting in Budapest to discuss tasks relating to the establishment of the European Research and Infrastructure Consor.


