8th ELI ALPS User Workshop
The Extreme Light Infrastructure – Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI ALPS) is organizing its eighth Users Workshop on 8 and 9 November 2021, in Szeged, Hungary. The event will be held in the building of ELI ALPS in Szeged.
ELI ALPS is one of the three pillars of the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI), which is already an ESFRI Landmark and will be the first international facility with the mission to make a wide range of ultrafast light and particle sources accessible to international user groups. Further information about the Research Infrastructure and the open Commissioning User Call can be found at https://www.eli-alps.hu/en/Users-1/Commissioning-Call . By the end of 2021, four laser systems, three secondary sources including THz and HHG sources, and multiple experimental stations will become available for user campaigns at ELI ALPS. By August 2021, over 25 user campaigns will have been successfully implemented, while 11 more will be in progress. As many as 18 non-Hungarian and 7 Hungarian user teams have been offered more than 4,200 user access hours by ELI ALPS.
ELI ALPS, as an international user facility, is undertaking actions towards forming an international user community, bringing together users from a broad spectrum of disciplines, research areas and technological/industrial applications. The announced workshop is to take place in the framework of these actions. The programme of the event will include talks on finalized experiments, ongoing and scheduled campaigns, as well as future commissioning experiments of beamline and end-station developers. The workshop is planned to feature three national research projects to be implemented in ELI ALPS and user related news from ELI Beamlines. Talks will be by invitation, but a restricted number of user experiment talks from colleagues interested in becoming ELI ALPS users are welcome. If you are eager to give such a presentation please send your abstract to Ms Vera Horvath Vera.Horvath@eli-alps.hu. For up-to-date information on the User Workshop follow its website.