


ELI ALPS to host the ELI Summer School (ELISS) on 2-6 September 2024.



Back from the summer vacation, free from the fatigue of the past months and recharged for the months to come, the ELI Summer School will certainly be one of the best places to start autumn off. The laser research institute in Szeged welcomes all interested students to the 9th edition of this exciting, meaningful and motivating professional event series, hosted alternatingly by ELI ALPS and ELI Beamlines in Prague. This year it is our turn again!

The ELI Summer School aims to provide young scientists with a comprehensive overview of the generation and application of intense laser pulses and laser-driven particle and radiation sources. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in poster sessions and visit ELI ALPS’ laboratories while forging new connections with other students, speakers, and the ELI staff. Aspiring researchers will benefit from the- impressive combination of cutting-edge professional skills and networking opportunities.

Last year, the event attracted 120 students from 24 countries, including Poland, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, China, India, Israel, Pakistan and Ukraine. As a result, ELISS 2023 turned out to be one of the most successful meetings in the history of the event series.

This year, our goal is to make the event at least as successful as it was in 2023!

ELI Summer School dates: 2-6 September 2024

Venue: ELI ALPS Laser Research Institute, 6728 Szeged, Wolfgang Sandner u. 3.

The main topics of the Summer School include:High-power ultrafast lasers

  • Generation of bright coherent and incoherent X-ray pulses using short pulse lasers
  • Free electron lasers from IR to x-rays
  • Ultrafast imaging techniques with short x-ray pulses
  • Function and applications of short x-ray pulses (including synchronizations)
  • Particle acceleration by lasers and applications: proton therapy
  • Physics of dense plasmas and warm dense matter, laboratory astrophysics
  • Ultra-intense laser matter interaction
  • Nuclear physics with high-intensity lasers
  • Femtoscience: applications in biology, chemistry and solid-state physics
  • Generation of attosecond pulses: attoscience photonics

Programmes and registration:


