To mark the inauguration of our research institute, we have placed a new milestone on the walkway in front of the building, and we invite our visitors to a special game during the pan-European event. Step into the world of sciences, explore our stations, and become a researcher for an evening at ELI ALPS.
During the game, participants will get to know the steps of becoming a researcher and user: they can take part in a safety training related to the use of the facility's equipment, get a glimpse of the processes leading up to experiments, participate in experimental demonstrations and manipulate in a virtual laboratory, and even publish their findings at the end of their research.
Our programmes and the stations to be visited during the game:
User information desk (information on the process through which researchers can become ELI-users)
I. Safety station
1. Learn about safety
2. Laser safety eyewear
3. Living exposed to radiation – radiation protection information and measurements
4. Be environmentally conscious
II. Preparations
1. Mirror, mirror…The optical workshop’s presentation
2. Laser chess
3. Laser trackers
4. Hands-on experience with optomechanical components
III. Trying on cleanroom suits
IV. Experiments
1. Lasers at ELI ALPS
2. Operation of the HF laser
3. Optical alignments
4. Pulse stretching
5. The wave nature of light, Heat camera
6. Postcompression
7. Observing ultrafast processes
8. Spectroscopy
9. Under the lense - Night of discoveries
10. Light-matter interactions
11. VR goggles
12. Diffraction of light
13. Soap Bubbles Reimagined: Ultrathin Liquid Films and Lasers
V. Presentations (venue: The Brain)
5:15 PM – 5:45 PM Super lasers, super science – Prof. Katalin Varjú, Science Director, ELI ALPS
6:15 PM – 6:45 PM Is the lightsaber actually a laser sword? – Dr. Szabolcs Hack, Research Fellow, ELI ALPS
7:15 PM – 7:45 PM Spectroscopy in our lives – Dr. Zsolt Divéki, Research Fellow, ELI ALPS
8:15 PM – 8:45 PM Light sail, or laser-driven particle acceleration in plasma – Dr. Zsolt Lécz, Research Fellow, ELI ALPS
VI. Guided tours
- Tour of the ELI ALPS building (meeting point: reception desk)
Starting at 5:20 PM, 5:40 PM, 6:00 PM, 6:20 PM, 6:40 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:20 PM, 7:40 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:20 PM
- Visit to the Focus interactive visitor space (polar ice-cream, laser harp, laser audio transmitter and more…)
VII. ELI ALPS Milestone - Start of a new era
VIII. Final Research Report, scientific publication (quiz, taking selfies with your “own publication”, gifts)
Venue: ELI ALPS Research Institute, H-6728 Szeged, Wolgang Sandner Street 3.
Opening time: September 29, 2023 (Friday), 5 PM to 9 PM
Admission to the event is free, and we welcome all interested parties!