

Day of Light 2023

On the occasion of the International Day of Light, our Research Institute will open its doors again to the general public on Friday, 12 May. Would you like to be a user at ELI? Now you can become one for one night!

Day of Light 2023


What is ELI engaged in? What equipment is available and for what kind of research? Who can use our equipment, who can be our users? In what areas can the results be utilized? Find out on 12 May!

Join us for interactive science demonstrations, spectacular experiments, exciting lectures and guided tours. Try your hands at the mini-scientists' corner and attend a special Day of Light concert. What's more, feel free to take a peek behind the scenes at ELI ALPS.

Would you like to become a user at ELI? On the occasion of the Day of Light, anyone can become one for a night! Join our game, visit the stations, collect the signatures, become an ELI user and receive your gifts!

For details about the game, please inquire at the information desk. (The stations can also be visited outside of the game.)


Our programs and the stations to be visited during the game:


User information desk (information on the process through which researchers can become ELI-users)


 I. Safety station

1.      Learn about safety

2.      Laser safety eyewear

3.      Living exposed to radiation – radiation protection information and measurements

4.      Be environmentally conscious


II. Preparations

1.      Mirror, mirror…

2.      Laser trackers

3.      Hands-on experience with optomechanical components

4.      Laser chess


III. Trying on cleanroom suits


IV. Experiments (a visitor needs to visit at least three stations to become a user)

1.      Lasers at ELI ALPS

2.      Operation of the HF laser

3.      Optical setups

4.      Pulse stretching

5.      The wave nature of light

6.      Gravitational waves and their detection by optical methods (Institute of Physics, University of Szeged)

7.      Postcompression

8.      Observing ultrafast processes

9.      Ultrafast observations, spectroscopy

10.   Radiobiology at ELI

11.   Light-matter interactions

12.   Nanoplasmonic research at the Institute of Physics, University of Szeged: nanoscale light patterns (Institute of Physics, University of Szeged)

13.   Development of photoacoustic instruments for environmental protection (Institute of Physics, University of Szeged)

14.   VR goggles


V. Presentations (venue: The Brain)

5:10 PM – 5:40 PM Super lasers, super science - Prof. Katalin Varjú, Science Director, ELI ALPS

5:50 PM – 6:20 PM Is the lightsaber actually a laser sword? - Dr. Szabolcs Hack, Research Fellow, ELI ALPS

6:30 PM – 7:00 PM Bright experiments - Ferenc Ignácz, Master Teacher, University of Szeged

7:10 PM – 7:40 PM The apple doesn't fall far from the tree... - Dr. Zsolt Divéki, Research Fellow, ELI ALPS

7:50 PM – 8:20 PM Light sail, or laser-driven particle acceleration in plasma - Dr. Zsolt Lécz, Research Fellow, ELI ALPS The last lecture is cancelled, thank you for your understanding.


VI. Guided tours

- Tour of the ELI ALPS building (meeting point: reception desk)

Starting at 5:00 PM, 5:30 PM, 6:00 PM, 6:30 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:30 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:30 PM

The registration is now closed. Thank you for your understanding.

- Visit to the Focus interactive visitor space (polar ice-cream, laser harp, laser audio transmitter and more…)

The registration is now closed. Thank you for your understanding.


VII. Final Research Report, publication (quiz, taking selfies with your “own publication”, gifts)


Additional program elements and useful information:

  • From 5 to 9 PM, there will be a continuous Mini Scientist Corner - experiments and programs for younger children.
  • Starting at 8:15 PM, the program of the military band from Hódmezővásárhely. Venue: "Brain" conference room (Due to the uncertain weather conditions, the concert will be held inside the building.)


Venue: ELI ALPS Research Institute, H-6728 Szeged, Wolgang Sandner Street 3.

Opening time: May 12, 2023 (Friday), 5 PM to 9 PM


Admission to the event is free, and we welcome all interested parties!


