

Joint ELI User Meeting

The Joint ELI User Meeting will take place from 2-4 November 2022 with a central Plenary Day, 3 November 2022. The meeting will be hosted in person at the ELI Facilities, with streaming options connecting the main programme and opportunities to participate in sessions at all locations.

Joint ELI User Meeting
This User Meeting includes all three of the ELI Facilities: ELI ALPS, ELI Beamlines and ELI Nuclear Physics. This is thanks to a close collaboration between ELI ERIC and the "Horia Hulubei" National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), and the support of the Horizon 2020 Project IMPULSE.
The aim of the meeting is to update the scientific community about current and future research opportunities at the ELI Facilities. There will be satellite events during which each ELI Facility addresses specific user needs and research topics, for more details on programme and timing check the specific facility information.
The ELI Facilities provide access to a broad range of world-class high-power, high-repetition-rate laser systems and secondary sources. This enables cutting-edge research and new regimes of high intensity physics in physical, chemical, medical, and materials sciences.
On November 3 there will be a common event of the three facilities (ELI ALPS - Hungary, ELI Beamlines - Czech Republic and ELI NP - Romania), hosting on-line presentations of the pillars. On the second day, November 4, there will be an in-person event of ELI ALPS introducing the experimental possibilities of ELI ALPS through presentations of users of the facility.
The program of the event includes talks on finalized experiments, of ongoing and scheduled campaigns. For further information and registration please visit Those, who register for in-person participation are welcome to attend both days in Szeged. Those, who register for online participation, will receive links via their emails for joining the event.

For more detailed information about the entire programme visit the event page:


